NAWBO Columbus Announces 2016 Visionary Finalists
April 25, 2016Kathy Warnick Selected as Recipient of Nonprofit Board Executive Award
April 20, 2017We are pleased to announce that Warnick Consultants has been selected as a 2016 Corporate Caring Finalists out of a field of over one-hundred by Columbus Business First. The Corporate Caring Award recognizes Central Ohio companies that exemplify the meaning of giving back to their communities through financial contributions to charities and nonprofits, as well as volunteer time and the provision of other helpful services. The finalists will be honored at the Awards Luncheon and Nonprofit Information Exchange on Thursday June 23rd at the Hyatt Regency. This event will include a keynote address by Joe DeLoss, Founder of Hot Chicken Takeover, and culminate in the announcement of the Benefactor of the Year, selected from fifteen honorees. If you are interesting in attending this event and supporting Warnick Consultants, follow the link below for more information.